Michael Gambon, the beloved Irish actor who played Albus Dumbledore in the final six Harry Potter films, has died at...
A healthcare startup called Invenio Imaging is developing technology that enables surgeons to evaluate tissue biopsies in the operating room,...
The last supermoon of 2023 will rise this week on Friday, September 29th. This full moon is also known as...
A recent TikTok trend claims that eating three carrots a day can give you a natural tan. But is there...
The British government has approved a major new oil and gas drilling project in the North Sea, despite warnings from...
Today is September 27, 2023, and yes, it is Google's 25th birthday! Google was founded in 1998 by two Stanford...
A New York judge has found former President Donald Trump and his family business liable for fraud, a major blow...
Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback who has been out of the league since 2016, has written a letter to...
Dancing With the Stars contestant Ariana Madix opened up about moving on from ex Tom Sandoval and the aftermath of...
Ridges in fingernails are common and can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, injury, and medical conditions....